The author had been invited to prepare theoretical background statement on 'territorial deconcentration' in order to facilitate the more pragmatic approach followed by the other members of the panel. To this end, he has chosen to give, first, a general picture of administrative institutions within...
M. (1990), Pergélisol - Canada. Actes de la Cinquième conférence canadienne sur le pergélisol. Permafrost-Canada. Proceedings of the fifth canadian permafrost conference. Centre d'études Nordiques, Université Laval, Québec, Collection Nordicana No 54, 424pp. ISBN: 2-920197-54-1. ...
Carpellary primordia are initiated from lateral, meristematic portions (anneau initial floral) like gamophyllous foliar appendages; the placental column is initiated by dedifferentiation and reactivation of the apical central zone (which was previously inactive) and from cellular proliferation of the ...
The knowledge of the number of oysters, the flow of water entering the bay, and the volume of the bay allows us then to estimate that 7% of the available energy is used by the population. The number of individuals is given theoretical values to show that the impact of the amount of ...
We show that the separation problem of this family is NP-complete. We propose a heuristic for the separation problem and a cutting plane algorithm based on this heuristic. Numerical results show the practical interest of this family of inequalities.Blanchard...
They most commonly present a clinical tableau similar to commonplace diverticular disease. Awareness of this unusual condition and a good CT study are the keys to diagnosis. Giant diverticula may be acquired or congenital. The acquired type is simply a more spectacular version of commonplace ...
Activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the release of corticosterone (C) in birds in response to frightening stimuli is an adaptive response allowing birds to cope with harmful stimuli. The objectives of the present st...
Multiple evanescent-white-dot-SyndromHLA-B51doi:10.1055/s-2008-1035221J. RichartzR. NeigerGeorg Thieme Verlag KGKlin Monatsbl Augenheilkd
If your institution is a Wiley customer, it will appear in the list of suggested institutions and you will be able to log in to access content. Some users may also log in directly via OpenAthens. Please note that there are currently a number of duplicate entries in the list of ...
doi:10.1016/S0020-7292(09)61684-2The Journal of ProtozoologyJACQUES BOHATIER