In his analysis of the federal public service, Bakvis overestimates the influence Prime Minister Trudeau had on the operations of the federal bureaucracy. “French Canada and the ‘Bureaucratic Phenomenon’” is historically wrong when it suggests that a link exists between France, French Canada, ...
Le Traitement chirurgical de l'Hyperinsulinisme. By P. Mallet Guy, Professeur Agrégé a la Faculté de Médecine de Lyon, and P. Maillet, Prosecteur a la Faculté de Médecine de Lyon. With a Preface by Professor H. Mondor. 7¾ × 5⅜ in. Pp. 102, with 17 illustrations. ...
Pour tous ceux qui aiment la langue française. Son histoire, sa grammaire et son orthographe. Des dictées commentées, des exercices ébouriffants, un florilège de textes d'auteurs, etc.