The author had been invited to prepare theoretical background statement on 'territorial deconcentration' in order to facilitate the more pragmatic approach followed by the other members of the panel. To this end, he has chosen to give, first, a general picture of administrative institutions within...
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Napus genotype and the structure of F& hybrids. The effet of the hybrid structure was considerable : at the meiosis of AAC triploid hybnrids, resulting from crosses between B. Napus and B. Rapa, recombination rates were from 1. 8 to 3. 4 fold higher than in AACC tetrploid hybrids, ...
This placental column represents the ultimate part of the floral axis. Ovarian walls are initiated on the periphery of the apical axial zone like common radiate intercarpellary protuberances.Liliane SimonCanadian Journal of Botany
The intermediate 4-methyl-8-formylpyrene (m.p.: 93-94°) was isolated. U. V. Spectra of the new polymethylpyrenes are given.John StewartBulletin Des Sociétés Chimiques Belges
Knowledge of these will have an impact on patient response and follow-up.Luis BarragánDijon
Bacher, C., Heral, M., Deslous-Paoli, J.M., Razet, D., 1991. Modele energetique uniboite de la croissance des huitres (Crassostrea gigas) dans le bassin de Marennes-Oleron. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 48, 391-404.Bacher, C., He´ral, M., Deslous-Paoli, J.M., Razet, ...
Insights from this work will also be useful for real-time monitoring, application steering and infrastructure planning for data-intensive workloads on networked cloud platforms.doi:10.1145/2534695.2534698Luca MartinelliBibliogr
doi:10.1016/j.annfar.2004.09.008F. MartinX. ViviandR. DesbriereL. BoubliC. MartinF. MartinX. ViviandC. MartinELSEVIERAnnales Franaises Danesthésie Et De Réanimation