Le consentement aux soins en ddontologie m6dicale : quelle protection pour le public?doi:10.7202/1106503arIt has long been recognized that physicians have an obligation to adequately inform patients and obtain their consent before administering treatment. If they fail to do so, physicia...
Then we shall insist on the process of consent. This dynamic process is between the influencer, a child and two parents. This process reminds us of having taken the Hippocratic oath.doi:10.1016/j.neurenf.2018.04.006Cosseron F.Neuropsychiatrie De Lenfance Et De Ladolescence...
Rome I. Liberte individuelle et soins sans consentement. Le controle systematique du juge instaure par la loi du 5 juillet 2011. Ann Med Psychol (Paris) (2012), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amp.2012.10.007Rome I., Liberte individuelle et soins sans consentement. Le controle systematique...
Le devenir des soins psychiatriques sans consentement : suivi à deux mois de 510 casOur study points out some of the differences involving admission groups in psychiatric centers and is coherent with previous findings. However, given its single-centre approach and the notorious disparity of ...