"This is a very unique motion picture," stated Rogers. "It has a "built-in" audience of nearly 12 million people. However, most of those people have already seen the "movie" several times in their minds. Our biggest challenge will be to produce a motion picture that will touch the aud...
(for there are many temples of God now dotting the globe) but could refer to a temple of God built by the saints in the valleys below, which they have abandoned to flee to the safety of Zion on the top of the mountains (see D&C 133:12); nevertheless, as this passage is typically ...
Of course the LDS Church does some good with their money, like helping out with the earthquake in Haiti, but they could really do so much more with their enormous financial empire that's been built from the generous donations of its members over the last century. The church gives so ...
Dead silence responded. Joe said: "what the hay? I'll claim I saw God, who's to say that I din't? Folks always believe what they read in newsprint!" I ask thee, dear reader, what say you to this? A shyster, a grifter, whose product is bliss?!? Don't buy it, says I, fo...
The new church wasmillennialist, believing in theimminentSecond Comingof Christ and his establishment of a 1,000-year reign of peace. This belief inspired Smith’s desire to establish Zion, the kingdom of God, which was to be built somewhere in the western United States. He received revelati...
(s) as living. When temples were built to house deity, the temples were often considered “mountains.” If possible they were built on mountains or high places. If not, the structure of the building was designed to represent a mountain (such as the Mesopotamian ziggurat). The phrase “...
He provides temples so that families can be together forever” (Russell M. Nelson, “Set in Order Thy House,” GC, Oct. 2001). “Lucifer is determined to devour marriages and families, because their demise threatens the salvation of all involved and the vitality of the Lord’s kingdom ...
Ancient Israel under the Law of Moses also built several temples. These temples were not primarily used for endowments as we understand them today, but were part of an Aaronic order designed to be preparatory in nature. These temples each contained three main rooms or divisions. We survey ...