Latter Day Paint: White fluorescent substance used to make Mormon temples stick out like sore thumbs wherever they are. Latter-Day Tripper: A Mormon female "Beatles" who's only trying to convert you. Laying on of Hands: Something priesthood holders are allowed and encouraged to do to anyon...
Pure submission, is my life long mission K: Come on honey, feed me dinner B: Ha ha ha yeah K: Come on honey, fetch my slippers B: ooh ooh Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please You’re my gift right from God, I prayed for on my knees K: Come jump in, bed ag...
HUNTER ON OUT OF STEP, THE SOUNDTRACK - The "Out of Step" soundtrack CD is NOW in stores. VERY, VERY eclectic. A friend in my ward in Dallas who is a big-time music producer listened to it, thought it sounded great, and commented that its styles are really all over the map. The...
Hermon, Tabor, and Carmel for the Canaanites; and Sinai for the Israelites were all mountains upon which the respective societies considered their god(s) as living. When temples were built to house deity, the temples were often considered “...
I've been through several temple open houses and really became "hooked" on the temple history, architecture, and work in the temples. It almost got me involved in the Church. I think that's really sad because now I can understand how so many millions of people get "hooked" into the ...