We are not considered members in 'good standing' if we're not paying tithing. We cannot attend the temple if we don't pay our tithing. We cannot have temple-related callings or any high-profile positions if we're not full tithe-payers. And if we are full tithe-payers, we're ...
The public is invited to attend an open house for theAuckland New Zealand Temple, located at 19 Redoubt Road in Goodwood Heights, from Thursday, February 27, through Saturday, March 22, 2025, excluding Sundays. Tours are free, but reservations are recommended. Elder Peter F. Meurs, Pacific ...
VVhen Ritter's voice burst on the telephone line, it came like a cloudburst on a tennis match. Summer clothes were suddenly stuffed into suitcases, reservations for leisurely dinners overlooking Mission Bay were canceled immediately, and the family Mercedes headed northeast again. ...