LDS Art has the largest collection of images of Christ. Find Jesus pictures, LDS art & missionary gifts, Temple paintings & photography. Our LDS art & lds book store, Jesus images, CTR Rings, & pictures of Jesus Christ have inspired millions!
Reno Temple Hillside From$24.95 Reno Vintage From$24.95 Reno Temple With Fence From$24.95 Reno Temple Sunset From$24.95 BUY ONE GET ONE 50% OFF Sign up to receive access to our latest updates and best offers. SIGN ME UP! NO, THANKS...
Lodge: Latter Day Masons Temple (No women allowed). Looneville Communications: Propaganda dissemination branch of the Mormon Church. Lord's Anointed: Lord's Annoying deserving of "ill speaking." Lover of Jared : His full name was not recorded, but legend has it that it was Imahorny Mor...
I've been through several temple open houses and really became "hooked" on the temple history, architecture, and work in the temples. It almost got me involved in the Church. I think that's really sad because now I can understand how so many millions of people get "hooked" into the ...
You and the other people saying we should take Jesus out of the name of our church. When Jesus went to the temple, and their were people gambling (sinning) on its grounds, what did he do? Say, ohh equal rights for everyone why not call your friends and come. NO! He st...
Through [God’s] priesthood [we] can help in His work. We are called to ‘be strong and of a good courage’in defending the truth.” As Elder Gary E. Stevenson notedin his April 2019 general conference talk, "This has helped him succeed both on the pitch and as a priesthood holder...
Darius Gray says everyone of those 484,000 are people who matter to him. Feeling their pain and their loss, he looks forward to a time when their temple work can be done. But just as personal is the slaveholder whose name goes unmentioned. Someone asked Darius, “Are you going to do ...
1 product found inMontreal Quebec Temple Pictures & Art Sort by Best Selling Sign up for the LDS Art Newsletter Join our mailing list and receive new product alerts, our art & painting catalogs, live event details, special offers, and discounts. ...
I went to the temple, felt full of shame for my lack of testimony, I took the blame The hardest trials of my days have come from this man's wicked ways His penchant for silencing all dissent was voiced by my teachers, who told me "repent" ...