t describe a supposed miracle that occurred. Yes, I did teach many people and many of those folks converted. Many of them sacrificed greatly to do so. Some were rejected by their families, while others later served missions themselves and married in the temple. Some people converted who we ...
ECLIPSE FILM FESTIVAL WINNERS - The Eclipse Film Festival, one of the finest film festivals held in Utah each year, took place in St. George on Nov. 9 and 10. The 29 films which were selected as finalists, from a much larger pool of entries, came from all over the world. The winners...
No marriage is perfect. Those marriages performed inside the holy temple do not get a stamp of guaranteed success on the certificate solely because it was officiated by a person... What is the hardest part of parenting for Heavenly Father? → ...
JOSH_06 - 38 year old man from Long Beach, California LDS Single Man 38 years old Red Hair Hazel Eyes 6 ft. 1 in. Average Build Never Married Some College Long Beach, California Computers/Chef Mission: None Temple Worthy Temple Recommend Endowed Regularly Attends Church 0 Children, 0 at ...
We are not considered members in 'good standing' if we're not paying tithing. We cannot attend the temple if we don't pay our tithing. We cannot have temple-related callings or any high-profile positions if we're not full tithe-payers. And if we are full tithe-payers, we're ...
The church meetinghouses and temples, being in the possession of the great and abominable church, would then allow Paul’s Great Rebellion prophecy—of “that man of sin,” sitting “in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God” (2 Thes. 2:3-4)—to come to pass. Having ...
Bozo: Temple new name for Gordon B. Hinckley/Hinckliey. Brady Bunch: A form of insanity induced by Family Home Evening seven nights a week. BreathUrine: Morg (Mormon) PriestDUD holders. Brethren: Smother'n. Botherin'em. Brick of Moron: The Book of Mormon nobody wants to buy or...
should not be spoken, it was solemnly pronounced in a low voice by the High Priest standing in the most holy place of the temple only once a year, on the Day of Atonement. At the moment that name was spoken, according to theMishnah, all the people were to fall on their faces.[76...
We found ourselves strangers once again. We were in the wilderness without the safe confines of shelter and a long list of rules to measure ourselves by. Unknown to one another, but with four years of history and two baby girls between us. Our temple marriage, the vows we took…they were...
temple. Karen would already be up, getting ready for work. The kids would still be asleep. At Parley's Summit was another inconspicuous brown 1969 Plymouth parked facing west. A U.S. deputy marshal leaned against the front fender holding binoculars in one hand and a 30.06 in the other. ...