Temples have always been a part of Heavenly Father’s church on the earth. In fact, the Garden of Eden is considered to be a type of temple, and was the first dwelling place of Adam and Eve – Heavenly Father’s first children. As Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden, He ta...
I always thought the “the new and everlasting covenant of marriage” just meant “getting married in the temple”. The Encyclopedia of Mormonismfudges it and says it’s just everything. Baptism, marriage, and all other covenants from God necessary for salvation are new and everlasting. The s...
husband and i are very affectionate in church, at the temple whereever i have chosen to stay in the church because although most of the people ive met in the church are allright, AND some are downright evil and cruel, the teachings of this church have brought me great happiness and ...
temple. Karen would already be up, getting ready for work. The kids would still be asleep. At Parley's Summit was another inconspicuous brown 1969 Plymouth parked facing west. A U.S. deputy marshal leaned against the front fender holding binoculars in one hand and a 30.06 in the other. ...
“It’s Christmas Eve, they have to forgive each other, right?” Chad shrugged. “They sure took the Christmas cheer with them, didn’t they?” “Yeah. I’m sorry, I didn’t think this would happen. They’ve only been married for a couple of years, and they’ve always been fine...
My parents met in Utah, were married in the Salt Lake Temple, and decided to raise their family in Utah. We have a very colorful family in Hawaii, and they wanted to raise their family around like-minded people who shared the same moral values and spiritual beliefs as they did. ...
Things are slowing down at the office, which reminded me about the yearly sales cycles. And since I don’t have any questions in the queue (SEND QUESTIONS!) I thought you might like to hear about this. I’ll be speaking in generalities; there are always situations which don’t follow ...
Our lovely Columbia South Carolina Temple is about in the center of the State. Going to the temple is always an uplifting and rewarding experience. In preparing for a temple trip, reservations have to be made in advance by calling the temple and scheduling an appointment for all temple work....
(“Spirit World Manifestations: Accounts of Divine Aid in Genealogical and Temple Work” by Joseph Heinerman, pages. 185-189.) How those missionaries must look down upon the work now and smile and laugh at how much has changed!Yet faith and prayer, not computers, are still the divine essen...
The argument runs like this: "The papyri that Joseph Smith used to translate the Book of Abraham were lost, but now have been found. Scholars have examined these papyri. They are not the Book of Abraham at all! They are an old, ordinary funerary text, the Book of Breathings. Joseph ...