Temple work for the dead Kolob Book of Abraham Lying about Prop 8 involvement Mormon women and depression Bad Mormon sex or Celestial sex Premarital sex Mormons and Africans I’ll return and report. Share this: Share Loading... Send My Child on a Mormon Mission?
they come to the conclusion that we are not so far apart from what they believe aside from temple work. I recall a neat conversation I had with one lady, and she asked me about temples. This led to a discussion on the levels of heaven and I told her where that can be found in the...
As we each work to build a relationship with Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Parents, we hope these stories from Latter-day Saint sisters will inspire every woman to make deliberate and meaningful choices in her life as she seeks to fulfill her individual mission on this earth. If you would ...
One evening (shortly before my dream) while reading one of President Monson’s talks on the importance of the temple(“Blessings of the Temple,” President Thomas S. Monson, April, 2015), a memory came bursting into my mind of when I heard him reminisce about his days as a young Bishop...
The man will become a god and his wife (or wives) will become goddesses. This is mentioned in the temple ceremony. Also, the children of the man and wife will be sealed together to them as an eternal family unit.On the surface, the concept of an eternal marriage and eternal family is...
• Temple Work: Quickly access temple scheduling pages or study guides that help you prepare for your visits. • Genealogy & Family History: Easily add links to your favorite family history research websites for convenient reference. • Classes & Lessons: If you teach Sunday School, Relief...
An essay on Joseph Smith's Teachings about Priesthood, Temple, and Women was added on 23 Oct 2015 to the Topical Guide of the LDS.org website.This essay appears to be a response to the increasing opposition some LDS women have to being excluded from receiving the priesthood, such as the...
I love what that taught me about the love of our Heavenly Parents—They are going to bother with even that little island nation of half a million people. They are worth investing in with missionary work, building chapels, and they even dedicated a temple there in 2022. That was a ...
Higher suicide rates among young Mormon youth confirm that guilt can work wonders throughout ones life to get the results that the General Authority espouses. Temple marriage. Every young man must serve a mission. Molly Mormon should be perfect, even as her father the bishop is perfect. ...
appeared to him in a dream begging him to perform rituals for them in the LDS temple. This was one of the strangest talks we’ve seen in a long time and very reminiscent of when Wilford Woodruff claims a couple hundred dead people approached him to ask that he do their temple work as...