and her life was not an internal storm of powerful statements and concepts (God, testimony, truth, sacred, salvation, purity, modesty, worthiness). She came with me to a youth overnight camp for teens ages 14 + when we were juniors in high school. It was one of ...
Jim Carrey has received treatment for ADHD since he was a child. Adam Levine was diagnosed with ADHD. He says, "My doctor diagnosed me with ADHD in my early teens. What was really helpful to me was learning that this was a real medical condition – I had ADHD. The diagnosis helped ...
He has a talent for writing humorous stories of tweens and teens, especially in school settings. I listened to these as audiobooks with my 15-year-old son during our car time, driving to and from seminary and other classes outside the home. You can find these books and a lot of the ...
My parents were both converted to the LDS church when they were in their teens. My mom took an English class in Taiwan that was taught by missionaries, and my dad had missionaries knock on his door in Taiwan. Growing up, my faith was a guiding star. I always had a belief in God. I...
The girls were both in their early teens and did not say too much about how things were; they just knew it was a rough time. One particular night I had an occasion to go to a church house for Relief Society board meeting. I was picked up by the President and left my daughter at ...