God's Army|Brigham City|The Other Side of Heaven|The Singles Ward|Out of Step|Charly|Handcart The R.M.|Suddenly Unexpected|The Work and the Story|The Book of Mormon Movie, Vol. 1: The Journey|Day of Defense Pride & Prejudice|The Home Teachers|The Best Two Years|Saints and Soldiers|Bap...
Sometimes use this as an activity to family home evening. Suggested by the church so they can watch football too because everyone else watches it on Sunday. Mo-nique: A Mormon who pays 5% tithing, attends the temple once a year rather than monthly, sluffs at least one church meeting a...
10. Myth #10- “You’re single so you should be treated like a college student forever”. Ok nobody has actually said those words to me but sometimes I feel like that impression is out there. For singles that are over 30 we resent when it is assumed we are still the same as 20 y...