How Motherhood and the Atonement Helped Me Overcome Anorexia 2018-09-30 When things were so dark and lonely as I lost… Three Questions to Ask Yourself When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed 2018-09-18 I love that ministry in the Church helps me get… ...
This list contains information about celebrities who have learning disabilities, loosely ranked by fame and popularity. Many famous actors, musicians, and game-changing businessmen have learning disabilities. Some of these celebrities have dyslexia while others suffer from ADHD. Two of the most brill...
“By revelation, Eve recognized the way home to God. She knew that the Atonement of Jesus Christ made eternal life possible in families. She was sure, as you can be, that as she kept her covenants with her Heavenly Father, the Redeemer and the Holy Ghost would see her and her family ...
I have recently discovered that although I am quite prepared temporally, I was severely in short supply of the more important commodity which is only available through the Holy Ghost and the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It is my prayer that we who are members of the Lord’s Church...
He can remove the pain and sorrow you feel and make you clean again through the power of His Atonement” (Linda S. Reeves, “Protection from Pornography–A Christ-Focused Home, GC, Apr. 2014). “Parents can plant seeds in the hearts and minds of their children only if they know where...
Likewise Hebrews 2:9-12 discusses how Christ, through the Atonement, offers salvation to his "brethren." The word "brethren" - describing our relationship to Christ - is used in verses 11 and 12. Hebrews 2 in general is a wonderful discourse on the relationship between mankind and our ...
Mercy and Justice in the Book of Mormon: Ancient or Modern Concepts? - Is the Book of Mormon's profound discourse about mercy, justice, and the Atonement of Christ evidence of modern derivation, or evidence of ancient truth restored? Critics have charged that Book of Mormon theology is too ...
I like the idea that it represents the opening of the blessings of the Atonement to all, as well as symbolizing the sacrifice of the flesh of Christ (Heb. 10:20 equates the flesh of Christ with the veil of the temple) that also eliminates the need for the animal sacrifices that were...