but why does "His True Church" put so much of an emphasis on it to make it a frequent topic of Sacrament Meeting talks, to put it in the Sunday School, Priesthood and Relief Society lessons, to create a novel way of teaching tithing to Primary children (i.e. the teacher gives the ...
I soon realized that many circles of food and many children = lots of possible circles on the floor + not enough circles of same foods for my 6 kids unless I printed them each a set which = yet, even more circles all over my house. So… to simplify (and also for use for my older...
The essay goes on to quote Bible verses suggesting men can become gods:Later in the Old Testament, a passage in the book of Psalms declares, "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High."Mainstream Christianity respond thusly:...
Drawing Nearer to God Through the Book of Mormon-Part 1 Posted onbyJared “Drawing nearer to God through the Book of Mormon”, is a three—part series. I am writing with the hope my children, grandchildren, family, friends, and interested others will be persuaded not only to believe in ...
My next story is about a woman I will call Mary. She was the daughter of faithful pioneer parents who had sacrificed much for the gospel. She had been married in the temple and was the mother of 10 children. She was a talented woman who taught her children how to pray, to work hard...
“At the height of my career I joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. On New Year’s Day 1966 I was baptized along with my wife, Shirley, and two of our children who were of baptismal age. My membership in the church has factored into everything that has transpired ...
“Some sisters have apologized to me, thinking they are not active members of Relief Society because they are serving in Primary or Young Women. Those sisters are among the most active members of Relief Society because they are helping our precious children and youth strengthen their faith in Je...
reconcile the conflicting wills. These, as we think about that relationship between the physical and the spirit body, become very important if we are going to understand the process of sinandthe process of repentance. The following quote answers our primary question of the syntax of Satan’s ...
expressing prayers for her. Telling his children to be sure they say their prayers at night, this sort of thing. All the time coming across as a believer. There’s nothing, certainly there’s nothing at all in the early Joseph Smith that you could say points to someone who’s a cynical...
She and her husband Bob are the parents of five children and grandparents of eight. They live in the Washington D.C. area where she serves as Primary Chorister and joins her husband in teaching Missionary Preparation for the Annandale Stake CES Institute program. Learn more about them and th...