God is as really present in the consecrated Host as He is in the glory of Heaven — Paschal Baylon If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament. — Florynce R. Kennedy Every time we look at the Blessed Sacrament our place in heaven is raised forever. — Gertrude the Great ...
But a funny thing would happen in those exchanges. When a kid would say, “You’re a Mormon. So you don’t X?” that was when I felt the Mormonness most overtly. I found myself becoming a Representative. And that, friends, is what the church wants to happen. Once you present to ...
If you stay in the word of God then you'll get a fresh leading of new things to share. I share my testimony of what God has done, but there's certain things that when I slip into the Word and let God speak to me through His Word and it's a fresh thing for me to share. —...
For me, it’s not the subject matter in a book that is objectionable, but the treatment of it. Someone in the early days of the Church (I’m thinking Brigham Young, but I’d love it if someone could find me the exact quote with source and reference), said something to the effect ...
A call to live as women of God so that we and our families may return safely home” (Sheri Dew, “We are Women of God,” GC, Oct. 1999). “Should the question arise in the mind of any, what is the object of the Female Relief Society? I would reply—to do good—to bring ...