Satan’s every move is to divert our attention and dilute our focus from the primary object at hand, namely Christ’s atoning sacrifice, in hopes we will turn exclusively to doctrines of secondary and far lesser import. His diversionary tactics have been, and will be, of such global propor...
Dead silence responded. Joe said: "what the hay? I'll claim I saw God, who's to say that I din't? Folks always believe what they read in newsprint!" I ask thee, dear reader, what say you to this? A shyster, a grifter, whose product is bliss?!? Don't buy it, says I, fo...
Adult: An eight year old to be baptized (but we consider child baptism to be wrong) Adversary: Anyone who prefers real truth to Mormon truth. Afrikaans: Post 1978 Mormon spin doctoring stating Africans can hold the priesthood - As opposed to Afrikantz, the pre-1978 spin doctoring blaming...
“One wonders why so many writers neglected to reveal to their readers that there is another meaning of ‘salamander,’ which may even have been the primary meaning in this context in the 1820s….That meaning… is ‘a mythical being thought to be able to live in fire.’... “A being ...
130哈囉歌Hello Song 131兒童會的顏色Our Primary Colors 132蓋房子The Wise Man and the Foolish Man 133 主臼歌You’ve Had a Birthday 134祝你生日快樂Happy, Happy Birthday 歌曲遺輯 Selected Songs 136 手推車Handcart Song 137 先驅者兒童邊走邊喝Pioneer Children Sang As They Walked ...
“You sisters who are called to serve in the Primary or the Young Women may miss the Relief Society class, but you do not really miss Relief Society; you belong to it” (Boyd K. Packer, The Relief Society, May 1998). “Some mothers in today’s world feel “cumbered” by home dutie...
Latter-day Saints have partaken of the sacrament (the communion) in remembrance of the death and resurrection of Christ. Every meeting includes prayers that are to the Father in the name of Christ. Baptism and all other ordinances are performed in the name of Christ.Latter-day Saints are Chr...