Blockhead: A Mormon who attends the three hour block of Sacrament Meeting, Sunday School, Primary, Priesthood, Young Women or Relief Society. Blond Atonement: The practice of dying one's hair and claiming Scandinavian ancestry Blond Atoner: Really bright red lipstick worn around General confere...
And the more arbitrary and idiosyncratic the better. Weird rules cultivate a sense of separateness. Remember that a demanding religion has to make its members feel different — like people apart from the world, who know the true meaning of things, unlike the common herd. (An us/them mentalit...
A little fun, then I’m done, after starting B: You can use and abuse, because now I’m always yours You can use and abuse, because now I’m always yours Oh serving God is so much fun K: Well honey, I’m just getting started B: Oh I love you so! The Battle of the Plaza ...
Recruit the Young Men, Young Women, or Primary Activity Girls/Boys to deliver flyers around the neighborhood. Have it announced in the Sacrament and RS bulletin. And, of course have your committee personally text lots and lots of people, to encourage them to come. That is one of my most ...
When I was in school in Rwanda in primary school, I went to school with Tutsis and Hutus and Twa (Twa is the third ethnic group whom we never mention much). When we were growing up in Rwanda, racism wasn’t as obvious, you know what I’m saying? At least for us kids in schools...
“You sisters who are called to serve in the Primary or the Young Women may miss the Relief Society class, but you do not really miss Relief Society; you belong to it” (Boyd K. Packer, The Relief Society, May 1998). “Some mothers in today’s world feel “cumbered” by home dutie...