Joe walked through the forest, a hill for to find A plot was unfolding in his scheming mind. "Some Gold Plates I'll get me ... a treasure of old ... A vision of God, and a church ..." he extolled. Joe fell to his knees, for a vision did pray: Dead silence responded. Joe ...
I was never allowed to shape my own personal testimony. There is only one answer to arrive at… the church is true. How is a child supposed to explore and come to their own ideas about God, spirit, worthiness, sacrifice, scripture, and prayer, when the answers are whispered into their ...
禱禱Prayer 懷孕Pregnancy 前生Premortal Life 聖職Priesthood 褻瀆Profanity 南瓜Pumpkins 研讀Reading 悔改Repentance 恢復Restoration 復活Resurrection 啟示Revelation 虔敬Reverence 戒指Ring 石頭Rocks 露絲Ruth 聖餐Sacrament 哀傷Sad 薩拉Sarah 薩拉Sariah 撒但Satan ...
It’s stupid to talk about robbing a supernatural being who can create a universe. But it’s possible that this scripture wasn’t directed at the rank and file Israelites, but rather the priests. Malachi chastised them for sacrificing the sick and blind animals, keeping back the good ones f...
With a silent prayer in his heart, he shifted his weight onto his feet and attempted to stand. His trembling legs held and he managed to keep himself completely upright. His face broke into a broad grin and he let out a boisterous laugh. “I feel like a new man!” The priest ...
Brigham Young once said that his prayer is “If there is anything I am doing that isn’t in line with Thy will, tell me how I may correct it and I will.” This tells me that, while still a prophet, he didn’t have the constancy of communication that Joseph did. Does ...
Why I Couldn’t Bow My Head in Prayer—and What It Taught Me About Others By Kimberly White News for Temples in Madagascar and Brazil By Meridian Church Newswire Come Follow Me Podcast #5: “This Is the Spirit of Revelation,” Doctrine and Covenants 6-9 By Scot and Maurine Proctor ...
“Hail, thou that are highly favoured, the Lord is with thee . . . Fear not.”[2] That phrase, “highly favoured,” is alternatively translated as “full of grace” and is the basis for the traditionalAve Mariaprayer. With his “fear not,” Gabriel also confers peace on Mary. First...
What we need is for every parish to come before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in holy hours of prayer. — Mother Teresa 46 The Blessed Sacrament is the first and supreme object of our worship. We must preserve in the depths of our hearts a constant and uninterrupted profound adoration ...
It has wrought miracles. I pray in the morning and I don’t even know which kid is going to float to the surface that day. It’s not the same as having a prayer in my heart. The second I hit my knees, I am coming to the Lord in humility and waiting for him to tell me which...