When Jesus Christ lived on the earth, He organized His Church so that all people could receive His gospel and return one day to live with God, our Heavenly Father. After Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, His Apostles continued to receive revelation from Him on how to direct the work of His...
The app gives you the main features of JustServe.org to help you find volunteer opportunities while on the go. It can link into your phone’s... Gospel Library App Also Online by Larry Richman | Jun 9, 2021Did you know that the Gospel Library app is also available online? The ...
Gospel Library is the gospel study app of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The library includes the scriptures, general conference addresses, music, learning and teaching manuals, Church magazines, videos, audio recordings, gospel art, and more. Study, search, mark, and share ...
In my work, people always want to know how I stay active in the Church. I am going to be real with you: sometimes it’s really hard. For me, it is about connection. After all, the gospel of Jesus Christ is, at its very foundation, about eternal connection. Staying closely connected...
The Church has updated the Life Help resources available online and in the Gospel Library. Everyone needs help sometimes. Life is like that. In fact, God planned it to be that way. Mortality presents each of us with a wide variety of experiences and some are easier to... read more “Ho...
In theGospel Library mobile app. By subscribing to the printed editions of theLiahonaorEnsign(seelds.org). Learn more: Seelds.org, which includes answers to frequently asked questions. Church Newsarticle “Church Announces “Come, Follow Me” for Melchizedek Priesthood and Relief Society“ ...
SPECIAL PLUG FOR OLIVIERA - We were especially thrilled to see Spanish director Jose Maria Oliveira on the schedule for the LDS Film Festival. Here's a man who featured LDS missionaries and gospel values in very successful films nearly 30 years before the advent of "God's Army," yet few ...
This new guide will be available in English in the spring or 2018, with 23 other languages to follow. Printed copies will be available atstore.lds.org. A digital copy will be available on the Gospel Library app and on the Young Women site (yw.lds.org) before the printed publication beco...
Part 1 ishere. Scroll 3/4 of the way down to the heading, “Book of Mormon Times at a Glance: Some Statements of Gospel Principles.” Part 2 ishere. Again, scroll 3/4 of the way down to the heading“Book of Mormon Times at a Glance: Some Statements of Gospel Principles.” ...
Gospel Library The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Google Play Store BOŞTA Kitaplar ve Referanslar Gospel Library is the gospel study app of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The library includes the scriptures, general conferenceDaha Fazla Göster ...