t want to be companions with me because there was nothing he could learn from me. After a three month nightmare with this guy I was finally transferred out of that first area. I had told the mission president in an interview that I didn’t like my companion. The mission president ...
As we each work to build a relationship with Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Parents, we hope these stories from Latter-day Saint sisters will inspire every woman to make deliberate and meaningful choices in her life as she seeks to fulfill her individual mission on this earth. If you would ...
I was 19 when they lowered the mission age from 21 to 19 for women. I’d always wanted to go, so I finished my sophomore year and left for my mission in May 2013 to Cape Verde. I had never heard of that country. My mission call was a printed letter with a little booklet with i...
There is also the consideration of what else may be around the preserve, if anything, that the church may want to keep the land and simply uses it in an efficient way as an added benefit), which is directly related to the church's mission of providing for the saints. The insurance ...
After a highly successful 15-year career in baseball, Latter-day Saint pitcher Jeremy Guthrie had many historical firsts in the MLB. After serving a mission to Spain, Guthrie became the oldest first-round pick to reach the majors in this century. In October 2013, Guthrie became the first re...
Mission accomplished, and, apparently, Rachael was the final interview of the evening. “This isn’t quite where you want to be at seven o’clock in Christmas Eve, is it?” Rachael said, trying to continue the easy conversation. It was the best way to relax her nerves. Besides, she ...
Imagine Dragons singer Dan Reynolds was raised Mormon, and went on a two-year mission in Nebraska after he graduated high school. "I don't necessarily agree with a lot of the culture that comes with it, but I still identify as Mormon," he said. ...
On January 8, 1972, three months prior to my arrest, I assisted in a life-saving mission involving an airplane crash. There were three of us directly involved. We were members of the Utah National Guard and were utilizing a guard helicopter. As the aircraft commander, I was directly respon...
(Yes, they’re really yours, but they’re mine too because I love them.) I love the energy. I love seeing the spark in the eyes of the buyers I’m courting–the moment I know I’ve hooked them. (I know it about 3 seconds before they do.) I love that sense of mission ...
Exmormon(s): Apostates-R-Us. Perdition Mission. The Church of the Latter-Day-Down-to-Earth People. Hellots. Ex-husband/Ex-wife: FTU (Former Spousal Unit). Ex-Lax: A movement of the bowels of mercy one feels upon being excommunicated from the LDS Church. ...