writing to a mormon missionary whom I felt I was falling in love with. I wanted the door to be opened to me… the door that seemed to close me off from the knowing that my family and peers all spoke of so reverently… I had been knocking until my knuckles bled, and the mantle...
Ammamoron: Younger brother of Ammaron, the Nephite record keeper who kept misplacing the keys to his chariot and was never on time to any of Jesus's appearances at Zarahemla Square. Amway : A real motivation for visiting and home teachers. Monetary missionary work. Used to "clean up" the...
At least until it proved insane To claim we're Christians just the same. Now true doctrine is false! Now true doctrine is false! Little one, Mary's son; Sired by God, Jesus was! Just the same as you and me, Adam shagged young Mary. Adam - God what a stud! Adam - God what a ...
My agent and my publisher have been nothing short of amazing. They are supportive and encouraging and have bent over backwards to help and guide me. Besides, most of us don’t have the luxury of being choosy. I mean, how many publishers or agents have come knocking at your door lately?
Do you think that Mormons would have donated tens of millions of dollars and thousands of person-hours making phone calls, knocking on doors, and putting up signs if the Brethren had been silent on the issue and the members were left to their own devices? This was the exact o...
The sound of someone knocking worked it’s way through her sleep numbed brain, and Andrea pried one eye open to focus on the clock by her bed. 11:30 am…most normal people would be up. What in the world? *** Jared stood outside her door, nervous and excited at the same time. Wh...
and kept knocking through the darkest times I can imagine, and they answered. Clearly, Helga’s Heavenly Parents were continually orchestrating her life and knocking at the door of her heart as well, sending her dreams and guidance even many times when she chose not to listen. The other day...
With her work of translation she has opened the gospel door for thousands who other wise would be left out only knocking. A meeting I will never forget. It is a good thing Elder Springer left her a Book of Mormon that day. When he did he blessed her life, but all these decades later...
also in the Washington Temple. Those of you who may have read my Christmas story “Silent Nights,” published this Christmas in Meridian, will understand that such temple moments as this with Inge make every step, knocking on doors, while tracting in the bitter cold of Germany,well worth it...
Elder Pinnell staked out an Italian neighborhood for them to tract in that day and memorized a door approach and half of the first lesson in Italian. With some knowledge of Spanish, Italian wasn’t too hard for him to pick up. As the three of them went around the neighborhood knocking d...