Harold Dennis, Lindsay Rathert. Synopsis: Exploring the ideas of eternal love and the importance of faith and family, this contemporary drama follows the story of Andrew, a returned LDS missionary, who has become a duty-obsessed husband. Andrew must help his wife Hope, who is plagued with am...
5. MISSIONARIES o Add/manage a short list of the missionaries serving from your ward/branch o Sort the missionaries by their name, entry dates or return dates o Tap a missionary to view their profile picture and contact information o Tap the missionary's email address to send an email to ...
gives them an idea of what’s good and what’s not before they plunk down their money. We (there are two of us that work on the fiction blog) search the web and other resources to find newly released fiction written by LDS authors...
I finally got the buttons done. Copy the code from one of the boxes below and paste it into an HTML widget in your sidebar or blog post. Once pasted into the widget code box, you’ll need to replace all the quotation marks (delete & retype) to make it work correctly. (I can’t ...
As he traveled the world breaking records, Casper continued to share the gospel with others, adding, “I have spent my life trying to be true to that call, an at-large missionary to the world. The gospel is my most precious possession and wherever I go I look for opportunities to touch...
Invite the children to color the activity page as you review with them the story fromExodus 14:5–22. Then they could work together to tell the story using the activity page. “Moses Leads the Children of Israel”(May 2011 and June 2006Friend) ...