*** Thanks toKate Hadfieldfor the Doodle People and accompanying images. She has given me permission to share these as a freebie with ya’ll. Thanks Kate! (p.s.Go check outall her cute doodle images that have oodles of uses!)
(sometimes called the Mormon or LDS church). In the app you can search for temples, mark visited and favorites, get quick access to details (contact info, services, timelines, etc.), view and submit images to a gallery, create a personal journal of temple visits, use your camera to see...
He spoke of "gods" as if they existed, simply because many people of his day had that opinion. But Paul knew "there is no God but one." As Allen observed: "The gods (i.e., the so-called divine beings contemplated by the pagans) represented by the images did not exist.…[T]hey...
as well as the sponsoring book. They also get their book cover in the sidebar for the full month. Both bio page and sidebar images link to online stores where blog readers can purchase the book. They also have a link to the author’s website or personal blog. The message to the reade...
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/images/stories/old-images/BowenSatPMFinalA. jpg” width=”380″ border=”0″ height=”214″ /> In Idaho Falls, Idaho, there is a beautiful airport. One of the largest in the region, this airport allows easy access to the upper Snake River Valley…It is...
They are crying, “Rise up, O men of God!”[iv] You don’t have to wait long for a chance to rise up and protect women. You are surrounded by images and examples of women who need our respect, honor, and protection. Turn over the magazine covers at the grocery store, change ...
Origen explains this important grammatical distinction by pointing out that The True God...is "the God" (HO THEOS, with the article), and those who are formed after him are "gods" (THEOI, without the article), "images," as it were, of him, the Prototype (Commentary on John, 7.2)....