confirmation covered cow cream dad daughter david deer dog door duck earth elephant eve evening face family family home evening father first first prayer firstvision fish flower flowers food for friends frog fruit gethsemane ghost gift gift of holy ghost girl girls gold golden golden plates gordon ...
The Word of Wisdom is one of the most distinctive of the Mormon beliefs. Kids at school would ask me, “So you don’t drink Coke?” Which I always thought was an annoying question, but in retrospect it wasn’t as annoying as having a prophet who refused to clarify the question one w...
摩門經Book of Mormon 黃銅板Brass Plates 登機證Boarding Pass 唱詩班Choir 聖誕節Christmas 指南針Compass 證實禮Confirmation 信用卡Credit Card 選正義CTR 復活節Easter 伊萊賈Elijah 以諾斯Enos 父親節Fathers Day 埃絲特Esther 金頁片Golden Plates 祖父母Grandparents ...
Gift of Tongues: Joseph Smith's new revelation that making out with women other than your wife is okay, in fact, its great, in fact, its commanded of you, in fact, is necessary to attain celestial glory, in fact... Gilbert, Arizona: South Gordy-Town. South Tommy Town. Gilgirl: ...
They preached baptism for the remission of sins, promised the gift of the Holy Ghost, and believed in the literal fulfillment of prophesy. They also had some of the apostolic forms of organization in their church. In Ohio they raised up branches. In Kirtland and the regions round, they ...
understand anything in a meeting with our investigators. Times when I had to let go and remember that I was to teach as the Lord desired, not as I desire. I learned and witnessed the power of the Holy Ghost and the gift of tongues. It required a lot of faith in the Lord Jesus ...
the Holy Spirit rested upon him; he arose and spake in tongues, and started homeward, speaking in tongues and praising God. His wife heard him, and met him, and shortly afterward she received the same gift and blessing. These gifts were the first fruits of the reformation," (in that bra...
They are only visited because they don’t have the gift yet. The result of being visited by the Holy Ghost is that afterward they are left “poor in spirit,” having experienced it and desiring His holy presence again. If the reader is already baptized and confirmed, the visit may be a...
For this supernal gift of life the priesthood should have love unbounded for the mothers of their children. Men should give them honor, gratitude, reverence, respect, and praise. A man who fails to gratefully acknowledge his debt to his own mother who gave him life is insensitive to the ...
not just from the increased understanding but also from the learning companion given us as a gift, “they areonlyto be seen and understood by the power of theHoly Spirit, which God bestows onthose who love him, and purify themselvesbefore him; To whom he grants thisprivilege of seeing and...