LDS history preservationist, family honoredMichael De Groote Deseret News
Okay, maybe not THIS exact minute but very soon. There are going to be some MAJOR changes here on LDS Publisher over the next month. (Lots of changes that may even change the course of history.) I’ll be making announcements every couple of days but the first one is: Christmas Antholog...
Take a Name is a family history app for LDS Church members who want to take their own family names to the temple. It requires a FamilySearch account with access…
LDS Singles Online Personals, LDS Dating for LDS Singles Photo Gallery Pictures Show Picture Preview Me, visiting Las Vegas Nevada Temple Size:17.08KB Showing off Yachting watch Size:26.85KB Dan the UPS Man, aka Santa Claus in a Brown Suit ...
It lists how many people they are teaching and how many they have baptized. My mission was very focused on numbers and statistics in this way just like any sales force. Notice also the pictures of Jesus AND the pictures of the Mormon leaders in Salt Lake City just as prominently displayed...
With short chapters which tell the stories of the first LDS women missionaries, Sweet is the Work is a wonderful historical primer. Where pictures were available, they were used to introduce readers to the names and faces of women who bravely told the Savior’s story and shared their voices ...
It is designed to help LDS missionaries communicate with and share their favorite mission pictures, letters and stories with their family and friends back home. Parents, your children will always be grateful for your help in preserving their memories. As you help them organize and share their ...
Examples: families are forever cross stitch, Del Parson Jesus pictures, Crosses (oh wait, that's Catholicism), Framed Proclamation to the Family, Temple pictures, CTR rings, etc. Mo-dar: The uncanny ability to detect who is Mormon and who is not by body language, dress, speech inflection...
Does the church really have need of anything other than chapels, temples, MTCs, family history centers, and visitor centers?"Thoughtful saints might wonder whether the church should spend more of its assets on programs that benefit the membership rather than further enriching an already huge ...