LDS history preservationist, family honoredMichael De Groote Deseret News
A Visitor’s Guide to Church History Sites in Iowa and Nebraska Feb 20, 2025 As you study the Doctrine and Covenants in Come, Follow Me this year, you can deepen your understanding by exploring the stories and viewing photos of places where sacred events occurred. This is one in a series...
Sacrament Meeting on a War Ship and Other Powerful Photos of Latter-day Saints During Wartime 2019-05-26 Latter-day Saints have a rich heritage of patriotism, going all… How Do I Participate at Church When I Feel Like I Don’t Belong?
A Labor of Love: The Story of Amasa Mason Lyman: Documentary, 2013; Director: Dennis Lyman; Writer: Glenn Rawson; Producers: Dennis Lyman, Glenn Rawson; Executive Producer: Jack Lyman, Amy Lyman, Clayson Lyman, Clisbee Lyman, Greg Lyman (The Lyman Family History Organization); Director of...
Size:31.4KB I love my freedom Size:37.31KB Tonight's Guest Speaker, Dan Candland Size:26.93KB Zoomed in on a family group shot Size:12.56KB Where in the World do I live? Center of this map is where I live Size:36.08KB Where in North America do I live? My home is in the center...
Take a Name is a family history app for LDS Church members who want to take their own family names to the temple. It requires a FamilySearch account with access…
Click here for photos of meat the 2011 Whitney Awards Banquet. I’ll be posting some pictures of this year’s outfit later this week. But today, let’s talk about the finalists. Here are the finalists for two of the Whitney categories. ...
Each of the 7 children who appeared in the movie has a chapter full of the photos and mementos from the making of the movie, preserved by their mothers. So, so, so fun! Can you believe one of the moms in my co-op said she has never even seen theSound of Musicmovie?! She is ...
compile and share family photos and stories, create interactive fan charts and access 24-7 online assistance – all for free. The site’s enhancements seek to broaden family history’s appeal to those who don’t consider themselves researchers or genealogists, especially youth who are masters of...