But most of all for the blessing and privilege of being able to walk into God’s Holy House every Sunday, and receive the ordinance of the Lord’s sacrament in “the most sacred and important meeting in the Church” (seeSacrament Meeting and the Sacrament,Elder Dallin H. Oaks, General Co...
Father’s Blessings and Other Blessings of Comfort and Counsel7. Naming and Blessing Children8. Baptism9. Confirmation 10. Sacrament11. Dedicating Homes12. Dedicating GravesNote: The first time you run this application, the first ordinance you open will be blank. Simply go back and open it ...
Verb usage: "I felt so close to Jeffrey after he gave me a priesthood blessing of comfort and counsel, that I spontaneously morgasmed right then and there. Now I'm not sure whether to confess to the bishop or not". Morgbotitude: The self-righteous "we are special" attitude of smug...
Find a way, possibly with the help of another, to gently move the needle past the bad spot. It might be a loved one, a friend, a counselor, a doctor, a trusted advisor, a priesthood blessing, or a prayer. The Lord will lead you to the help you need, if you are willing to rece...
This app has been the blessing of my being. I am thankful that I can look at it everyday and remind myself I am a daughter of our Heavenly Father. Before being baptized I never knew what it was like to live a fulfilled life, nor what blessings I could bestow upon others, especially...
notice for many, especially for finding speakers. I am generally not one of the keynote speakers, but I do a fireside on one of the evenings of the event. This year, however, I had to fill in because we couldn’t find a fourth speaker in time. It turned out to be a blessing. ...
This app has been the blessing of my being. I am thankful that I can look at it everyday and remind myself I am a daughter of our Heavenly Father. Before being baptized I never knew what it was like to live a fulfilled life, nor what blessings I could bestow upon others, especially...
But, despite the physical discomfort, I wore them diligently, faithfully. I tried so desperately to embrace the life of a married mormon woman. I read material about the garments, their sacred nature, the blessing I would get from wearing them. I taught young, impressionable preteen girls abo...
*Then with the Lord's blessing Eliza he laid, Then left her there pregnant And went on his way. When Emma discovered Her husband's affair She threw young Eliza Headlong down the stairs. In Illinois Emma Is at her wits end. She's found out that Joseph ...
Leetoane Mats’aba describes herself as “a happy soul filled with promises and blessing of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.” She lives in Lesotho, the... (Read More) Building a Future of Hope Ruth Yeboah June 4, 2019 Ruth Yeboah is a passionate advocate for women. Born in...