yet clear overview of its compensating power. This power, a component of the Atonement of Jesus Christ that commonly goes unrecognized, comes to life through examples and powerful testimony, leaving the reader with an increased confidence in their ability to more fully access the power of Christ....
Satan has been successful in diverting much of the Christian world’s attention from the one doctrine that can save us, the Atonement of Jesus Christ, to the ancillary doctrines that have meaning only because they draw their sustenance from this redeeming event. Like a skilled magician, Satan’...
of mormon blog hit space bar to expand submenu the standard works book of mormon doctrine and covenants new testament old testament made easier series reference hit space bar to expand submenu gospel topics jesus christ the atonement of jesus christ baptism second coming priesthood temple restoration...
Working steps 6 and 7 with humility enables us to access the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ to turn our weaknesses and shortcomings over to God so He can remove them. An important aspect of this process is to understand is the difference between sins (deliberate choices to turn away...
LDS doctrine holds that agency is an eternal principle, and that God has provided the way through the atonement of Jesus Christ whereby men and women can repent of their wrongful acts of commission or of omission, and come back into the path of receiving further light and knowledge through ...
Find thousands of LDS quotes from authors within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as well as from those outside of the LDS faith.
the other forms of belonging cease to mean very much. Likewise, as Jesus begins to have a real place in our lives, we are much less concerned with losing our places in the world. When our minds really catch hold of the significance of Jesus’ atonement, the world’s hold on us loosen...
Emmeline Moon is a devoted LDS artist whose indie pop sound, laced with a dash of R&B, brings a fresh groove to gospel music. With every note, she honors Jesus Christ, celebrating His love, grace, and the power of His Atonement in a way that uplifts, inspires, and moves the soul....
González – Followers of Christ 基督的信徒 4:55 我知道救主活著 10:13 Elder Kent F. Richards – The Atonement Covers All Pain 包括所有痛苦的贖罪 16:19 Elder Quentin L. Cook – LDS Women Are Incredible LDS婦女是令人難以置信的 5:15 I Know That My Savior Loves Me我知道救主愛我 20:15 ...
Blond Atonement: The practice of dying one's hair and claiming Scandinavian ancestry Blond Atoner: Really bright red lipstick worn around General conference time. Old school Mormon temple goer who still demands to display the "throat slash" during the true order of prayer. ...