低用量纳曲酮(Low Dose Naltrexone, LDN)疗法是一种使用纳曲酮药物的低剂量治疗方法。通常,纳曲酮被用于治疗药物成瘾和酒精成瘾,纳曲酮通过结合阿片受体并拮抗类鸦片剂(如吗啡)来发挥作用。通常,鸦片剂戒断治疗中会使用每天50毫克至200毫克的纳曲酮剂量,但通过低剂量(1.75〜4.5毫克)的纳曲酮摄入,可通过增加...
低剂量纳曲酮(LDN)疗法:免疫调节与疾病抑制的新希望</ 低用量纳曲酮疗法,一种创新的医疗实践,利用纳曲酮的特性,但以非传统剂量施用。通常,纳曲酮以高剂量对抗药物成瘾和酒精依赖,但科学家们发现,通过将剂量降低至1.75至4.5毫克,LDN能激活内在的免疫系统,调整免疫反应,对多种疾病产生...
LDN has also become known as potentially beneficial for those with cancer, MS (Multiple Sclerosis), Crohn’s, Lupus, as well as HIV/AIDS and central nervous system disorders. Besides improving endorphin production which can be the cause of many disease, low dose naltrexone can also help reduce...
Purpose: Low-dose naltrexone (LDN) has increased in popularity as a non-opioid medication that may decrease chronic pain symptoms. LDN is most commonly used to treat fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), and painful diabetic neuropathy. Other studies suggest that LDN pr...
The beneficial effect of low dose naltrexone, LDN, was discovered by Bernard Bihari, MD (1)(1A), a physician in New York City who found that a small dose (3 mg) of naltrexone taken as a capsule at bedtime blocks the opiate receptors in the brain for a few hours during sleep, which...
Low Dose Naltrexone delivered to your door. GET STARTED Getting LDN is easy Book Your Video Consultation Book your easy to access video consultation with one of our expert practitioners. Video Chat with Doctor Our prescriber is licensed in all 50 states and D.C., making LDN accessible to anyo...
“Compounded low-dose naltrexone therapy from Koshland Pharm was critical to breaking a cycle of pain and inflammation for one of my patients.”– Justin Mager, MD The opiate receptor blocker naltrexone, when given at low doses, has demonstrated an ability to increase endorphin levels; release ...
How to make our low cost, Low Dose Naltrexone Solution, 1mg = 10ml Click Here! After having Hepatitis C for over 20 years my liver functions were all above normal range. Unfortunately I did not keep the initial really bad results.
Researchers at The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Hershey, Pennsylvania have discovered the mechanism by which a low dose of the opioid antagonist naltrexone (LDN), an agent used clinically (off-label) to treat cancer and autoimmune d