# Display the meaning of each item in the display ldm innerdata command. <HUAWEI> system-view [HUAWEI] diagnose [~HUAWEI-diagnose] display ldm innerdata help --- Command: display ldm innerdata <item-name> [ key &<1-5> ] [ slot slot-id ]. Supported item-name list is following: dis...
# Display the meaning of each item in the display ldm innerdata command. <HUAWEI> system-view [HUAWEI] diagnose [~HUAWEI-diagnose] display ldm innerdata help --- Command: display ldm innerdata <item-name> [ key &<1-5> ] [ slot slot-id ]. Supported item-name list is following: dis...
After inhaling a goodly quantity of ethylene, I am reminded of our local oracle, Cuma, the sibyl of which handed out prophecies just like her sisters in Greece. As far as I'm concerned, the sibyl of Cuma was even better; after all, her name has generalized to "sibylline," meaning "my...
text: Salvatore Di Giacomo - music: F.P. Tosti (1885) For audio, click or tap on the audio scroll below- perf. by R. Murolo oil painting, Where Unhappiness Ends (the meaning of the word "Posillipo") by Selene Salvi ABOUT THE SONG: The author of the lyrics is Salvatore di Giaco...
And, three, if you wander down to the seaside near Cape Posillipo, you can see the paltry remains of what, over the centuries, has been called, The Sorcerer's House —meaning Virgil. ancient bust of Virgil on the premises of "Virgil's Tomb" in Naples Sorcerer, you say? Isn't ...
# Display the meaning of each item in the display ldm innerdata command. <HUAWEI> system-view [HUAWEI] diagnose [~HUAWEI-diagnose] display ldm innerdata help --- Command: display ldm innerdata <item-name> [ key &<1-5> ] [ slot slot-id ]. Supported item-name list is following: dis...
# Display the meaning of each item in the display ldm innerdata command. <HUAWEI> system-view [HUAWEI] diagnose [~HUAWEI-diagnose] display ldm innerdata help --- Command: display ldm innerdata <item-name> [ key &<1-5> ] [ slot slot-id ]. Supported item-name list is following: dis...
(A skeleton of one such reptile hung over the arch in the Castle until quite recently.) He even mummified some of his late enemies and kept them on display in the dungeon of the Castelnuovo (the alternate name for the Maschio Angioino, meaning, simply "New Castle", thus distinguishing it...
Even the name was well chosen: you can read the iconic Apple lower-case i as the English first-person singular; thus, "I tour Naples", or read the complete title as a pun on the Neopolitan phrase ai a turnà, meaning "You have to come back", directed as a farewell to those who...
# Display the meaning of each item in the display ldm innerdata command. <HUAWEI> system-view [HUAWEI] diagnose [~HUAWEI-diagnose] display ldm innerdata help --- Command: display ldm innerdata <item-name> [ key &<1-5> ] [ slot slot-id ]. Supported item-name list is following: dis...