High LDL cholesterol does not necessarily present with symptoms, but a person with high LDL cholesterol levels may be atgreater risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, if someone has a history of heart attacks, angina, or stroke, a doctor may close...
Learn about how Repatha® helps to reduce your risk of another heart attack or stroke, and lower high bad cholesterol. See Full Safety & Prescribing Info.
High cholesterol itself does not have symptoms, which is why so many do not take proactive measures to treat it. But about one in every six adult Americans has high cholesterol, and the fact that even children can develop it, makes it crucial to consider the facts when learning about HDL ...
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is called the "good" cholesterol because it absorbs LDL "bad" cholesterol and carries it back to the liver, which helps remove it from your body. Just knowing your total cholesterol isn't enough. Not only does the total cholesterol number need to be...
When you have high cholesterol, the first thing to do is to change your diet and fitness: less saturated fat, no trans fat, less sugar, and more activity. If that doesn’t bring down your “bad” (LDL) cholesterol enough, your doctor may suggest that you also take medicine to help ou...
When you havehigh cholesterol, the first thing to do is to change yourdietandfitness: lesssaturated fat, notrans fat, lesssugar, and more activity. If that doesn’t bring down your “bad” (LDL) cholesterol enough, your doctor may suggest that you also take medicine to help out. (You’...
High cholesterol usually has no symptoms. This is why it's important to get your cholesterol levels checked. If you do have symptoms, they are often associated with related conditions like high blood pressure which can cause fatigue, chest pain, and irregular heartbeat.4 ...
cholesterol,totalcholesterol:HDLcholesterol,LDLcholesterol:HDLcholesterolweresignificantly raisedandHDLcholesterolwassignificantlylowinpatients.(p<0.001).ThoughHDLcholesterol wassignificantlyraisedinfemalesascomparedtomalesinboththegroups(p<0.001).Serum leveloftotalcholesterol,oxidizedLDL:HDLcholesterolwerealsoraisedsignific...
Expert panel on detection, evaluation and treatment of high blood cholesterol in adults – executive summary of the third report of the national cholesterol education programme (NCEP). Expert panel on detection, evaluation and treatment of high blood cholesterol in adults (Adult treatment panel III)...
On the other hand, HDL cholesterol demonstrated protective effects against depression. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, implementing dietary measures, and addressing stressors promptly may help prevent depressive symptoms. 展开 关键词: HARYANA (India) LDL cholesterol HDL cholesterol HAMILTON Depression ...