Keywords coronaryarterystenosis;parathyroidhormone;lowdensitylipoproteincholesterol;highdensity lipoproteincholesterol ∗基 金项目 :江苏省青年医学人才基金 (No:QNRC2016883) 1 安徽医科大学无锡临床学院 (江苏无锡 ,214000) 2 中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第 904 医院心内科通信作者 :宗刚军 ,E-mail:zonggj@163.com...
In conclusion, elevated levels of LDL particles relative to their cholesterol content were associated with increased cardiovascular mortality. The LDLapoB/LDLCcalc ratio may hold the potential to quantify the atherogenic risk associated with small, dense LDL particles using a simple methodology. Further...