=> not found:表示未找到该库文件。 其他可能的状态还包括version mismatch(版本不匹配)、incompatible(与可执行文件或其他库不兼容)、symbol not found(找不到某个符号)等。 ldd命令是Linux系统中排查动态库依赖问题的强大工具,通过它可以快速定位和解决库文件缺失、版本不匹配等问题。
so.40 ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; not setting start address found libc.so.6 at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 found libopen-pal.so.40 at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libopen-pal.so.40 found libopen-rte.so.40 at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libopen-rte....
When a symbol reference is bound to a dependency, that dependency is deemed used. This option is therefore only useful when symbol references are being checked. If the -r option is not in effect, the -d option is enabled. Objects that are found to be unused when using the -r option ...
\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } auto func = reinterpret_cast<kwel::KwelPluginInterface *(*)()>(dlsym(library, "getPlugin")); if (func == nullptr) { printf("The getPlugin symbol was not found in the plugin library\n"); dlclose(library); return EXIT_FAILURE; } auto things(std::...
ncelab: *F,SCILDD: Could not load SystemC model library libncsc_model (ld.so.1: ncelab: fatal: relocation error: file: ./libncsc_model.so: symbol _ZN7display14displaySignalsEv: referenced symbol not found).Has anybody an idea were this ...
sudo是一个命令行工具,它被设计为允许用户以其他用户(默认是 root 用户)身份去运行命令。
arm-hisiv100nptl-linux-ld: warning: libstdc++.so, needed by librtsp.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link) arm-hisiv100nptl-linux-ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 00008204 librtsp.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0' ...
Transfer Functions for LDD P Series Laser Diode Drivers © 2018 www.teamWavelength.com 4 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS LDD P SERIES LASER DIODE DRIVER PARAMETER SYMBOL ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Supply Voltage Compliance Voltage VDD Output Current Power Dissipation [1] Operating Temperature - Case [1] ...
arm-hisiv100nptl-linux-ld: warning: libstdc++.so, needed by librtsp.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link) arm-hisiv100nptl-linux-ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 00008204 librtsp.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0' ...
注意:上面的地址是32位机器用的,如果你的机器是64位,下载这个包(http://syslab.comsenz.com/downloads/linux/mysql-5.1.40-linux-x86_64-icc-glibc23.tar.gz)安装方法是一样的。 mysql-5.1.40-linux-i686-icc-glibc23.tar.gz //icc表示用gcc编译 ...