执行命令ldap-server server-type{ad-ldap|ibm-tivoli|open-ldap|sun-one},配置LDAP服务器类型。 请根据对端LDAP服务器类型进行配置。缺省情况下,设备上创建的LDAP服务器模板的服务器类型为AD LDAP。 执行命令ldap-server authenticationip-address[port-number] [secondary|third] [ssl],创建LDAP认证服务器。 缺省...
puts "LDAPAdd: This script requires 2 parameters: LDAP server host name and LDAP server port number" puts "For example: LDAPAdd ldaphost 389" puts "" return; } else { set ldapServer [lindex $argv 0] set ldapPort [lindex $argv 1] LDAPAdd $ldapServer $ldapPort return; } proc LDAPAd...
Email Security LDAP authentication fails even though credentials are correct on port 389, 3268 and 636WebUI log shows the following: EXCEPTION THROWN LdapAuth.login(): UNABLE to connect to the primary LDAP server : javax.naming.AuthenticationNotSupportedException: [LDAP: error co...
ldap-server authenticationip-address[port] [secondary|third] [ssl|no-ssl] 缺省情况下,没有配置LDAP认证服务器。其中: 参数port-number用来指定LDAP认证服务器的端口号。如果指定了ssl参数,则缺省值端口号为636。如果指定了参数no-ssl,则缺省值端口号为389。默认已指定参数ssl。
The standard port for LDAP communication is 389, although other ports can be used. For example, if you must be able to start the server as a regular user, use an unprivileged port, by default 1389. Port numbers less than 1024 require privileged access. If you use a port number that is...
Specify the port number for accepting LDAP connections. The standard port for LDAP communication is 389, although other ports can be used. For example, if you must be able to start the server as a regular user, use an unprivileged port, by default 1389. Port numbers less than 1024 require...
这些配置参数控制 IBM® HTTP Server中的轻量级目录访问协议 (LDAP) 功能部件。 不推荐使用的功能部件:如果要将 mod_ibm_ldap 模块用于 LDAP 配置,请考虑迁移 mod_ibm_ldap 伪指令以使用 mod_ldap 模块。 此发行版的 IBM HTTP Server 提供了 mod_ibm_ldap 模块以与先前发行版兼容,但是,您必须迁移现有配置以...
LDAP Server Port Number :389 What username should be used when accessing the LDAP server? LDAP Server Username :SYSTEM What is the password for the LDAP server username provided previously? LDAP Server Password :123456 LDAP Server Password (confirm) :123456 ...
LDAP://server01绑定到特定服务器。 LDAP://server01:390使用指定的端口号绑定到特定服务器。 LDAP://CN=Jeff Smith,CN=users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com绑定到特定对象。 LDAP://server01/CN=Jeff Smith,CN=users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com通过特定服务器绑定到特定对象。
hue_safety_valve_server.ini 的 Hue Server 高级配置代码段(安全阀) [impala] server_host=hadoop11 server_interface=hiveserver2 server_port=21050 query_timeout_s=100 impersonation_enabled=True auth_username=hue auth_password=hue [beeswax]