Type or value exists is something I expect with the state attribute set to present, so I am not sure why this is considered fatal.Looking at the code, it seems that _is_value_present stays False, and no ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS exception is ever catched....
objectName LDAPDN, attributes PartialAttributeList } PartialAttributeList ::= SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE { type AttributeDescription, vals SET OF AttributeValue } SearchResultReference ::= [APPLICATION 19] SEQUENCE OF LDAPURL SearchResultDone ::= [APPLICATION 5] LDAPResult Modify Operation ModifyRequest ::...
2.5 Attribute属性(Attribute)类似于程序设计中的变量,可以被赋值。在OpenLDAP中声明了许多常用的Attribute(用户也可自己定义Attribute)。 每个条目都可以有很多属性(Attribute),比如常见的人都有姓名、地址、电话等属性。每个属性都有名称及对应的值,属性值可以有单个、多个,比如你有多个邮箱。 属性不是随便定义的,需要...
certificates without having to restart AD DS or restart the domain controller. This attribute can be updated using adsiedit.msc, or by importing the change in LDAP Directory Interchange Format (LDIF) using ldifde.exe. For more information on using LDIF to update this attribute, seerenew...
RFC2254LDAP查询过滤器的字符串表示法 LDAPChina.com版权所有 RFC2254 版权信息:本文档版权由LDAPChina.com所有,可随意传播、打印及用于任何用途,必须 保留本文档的所有版权信息及版本信息,同时不可对本文档的任何部分进行任何修改。版本信息 日期版本描述作者 2004-01-30 v1.0 最初版本 LDAPChina.com LDAPCh...
attributetype 定义属性类型 idletimeout include 通常是schema文件,用于包含其它的配置文件 loglevel 日志信息 Table 5.1: Debugging Levels Level Description -1 enable all debugging 0 no debugging 1 trace function calls 2 debug packet handling 4 heavy trace debugging ...
对象类(ObjectClass)、属性类型(AttributeType)、语法(Syntax)分别约定了条目、属性、值,他们之间的关系如下图所示。所以这些构成了模式(Schema)——对象类的集合。条目数据在导入时通常需要接受模式检查,它确保了目录中所有的条目数据结构都是一致的。 schema(一般在/etc/ldap/schema/目录)在导入时要注意前后顺序。
This page always has a preconfigured value and cannot be changed. If the server vendor has been identified, then the anchor might be populated with an immutable attribute, for example the GUID for an object. If it has not been detected or is known to not have an immutable attribute, then...
Specify that the search retrieve only attribute names, not the attribute values. This option is useful if you just want to determine if an attribute is present for an entry. -1 Omit the leading"version: 1"line in the LDIF output.
not,theserverwillreturn inappropriateMatching. Each attributeType should only occur in the SortKeyList once. If an attributeType is included in the sort key list multiple times, the server should return an error in the sortResult of unwillingToPerform. ...