topicmodels基于包tm,提供LDA_VEM、LDA_Gibbs、CTM_VEM(correlated topics model)三种模型。 另外包textir也提供了其他类型的主题模型。 参考:R之文档主题模型 ——— R语言第三包:LDA主题模型又有了一个新包:text2vec包 LDA主题模型是基于lda包开发的(Jonathan Chang),在下次...
Create an LDA model using thefitldafunction. Properties expand all NumTopics—Number of topics positive integer TopicConcentration—Topic concentration positive scalar WordConcentration—Word concentration 1(default) |nonnegative scalar CorpusTopicProbabilities—Topic probabilities of input document set ...
2018-5-21 补充:Select number of topics for LDA model R中有个新包(ldatuning)可以直接使用四种方...
Performance is measured using different criteria which take into account the correct number of topics, but also whether the relevant topics from the considered data generation processes (DGPs) are revealed. Practical recommendations for LDA model selection in applications are derived.Journal of Machine ...
Number of topics Plexity OR maximum likelihood estimation 使用R语言进行主题发 要在数据集中确定主题的个数,需要事先设定主题个数的搜索范围;然后分别使用LDA计算主题模型在不同主题数目下的困惑度或者似然估计数值,最终能够使得模型困惑度最低或者似然估计值最大的主题数即为最佳的主题个数。一般为了降低困惑度,通常...
runs in constant memory w.r.t. the number of documents: size of the training corpus does not affect memory footprint, can process corpora larger than RAM, and is distributed: makes use of a cluster of machines, if available, to speed up model estimation. ...
Number of topics. """fromgensim.matutilsimportSparse2Corpusfromgensim.modelsimportLdaModel# Use a scikit-learn vectorizer rather than Gensim's equivalent# for speed and consistency with LSA and k-means.vect = _vectorizer() corpus = vect.fit_transform(fetch(d)fordindocs) ...
# Building the LDA model. The parameters 'alpha' and 'eta' handle the number of topics per document and words per topic respectively lda_model = gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus=corpus, id2word=id2word, num_topics=20, random_state=10, iterations=100, ...
隐含狄利克雷分布(Latent Dirichlet Allocation,LDA),是一种主题模型(topic model),典型的词袋模型,即它认为一篇文档是由一组词构成的一个集合,词与词之间没有顺序以及先后的关系。一篇文档可以包含多个主题,文档中每一个词都由其中的一个主题生成。它可以将文档集中每篇文档的主题按照概率分布的形式给出,对文章进行...
Input bag-of-words or bag-of-n-grams model, specified as abagOfWordsobject or abagOfNgramsobject. Ifbagis abagOfNgramsobject, then the function treats each n-gram as a single word. numTopics—Number of topics positive integer Number of topics, specified as a positive integer. For an exam...