With a well-designed architecture, the proposed model generates depth estimates with clearer details and more accurate results. The experimental results show that LDA-Mono significantly outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in terms of accuracy, with a model size of only 23% of the light...
VANET architecture based on V-LDAA is shown in Figure 2. Compared with the traditional VPKI system, a hardware chip TPM is embedded in each user′s vehicle platform. Through the identity certificate, we distribute trust from CA to TPM embedded in each legitimate user, transforming a centralize...
通过对运用\,Gibbs\,采样的\,LatentDirichletAllocation(LDA)\,算法和\,MapReduce\,计算框架的细致研究,实现了\,LDA\,算法在\,Mahout下的分布式并行计算.详细地考察了该分布式并行计算程序的计算性能,并深入地探讨了一些影响计算性能的关键问题. References [1] {1} [2] BLEI D M, NG A Y, JORDAN M I. ...
This novel architecture not only boosts the accuracy of classification but maintains the computational efficiency of the system. Therefore, the proposed LDA-ensemble framework is able to be satisfied with each subject as demonstrated in Section III.Ching-Yu Chiu...
withflexiblesoftwarearchitectureandhighscalability.Apracticalsoftwaremeasurementsystemisdevelopedtoexperiment, whichisbasedonFourInOnedistributedframeworkandB/SarchitecturebasedonJava.Theresultsshowthatthiswayhasahighcompu- tingefficiency,alowCPUandbandwidthutilization.Itcanbeusedtomonitorperformanceindatacenternetwork...
When you were first together, you had sex on your mind for hours, maybe even days, leading up to the experience. In many cases, you set the date, thought about it, planned the evening –even what to wear. It may have seemed spontaneous, but it wasn’t. Good sex is planned sex and...
of of 100124,China)Science,Beijing University Technology,Beijing (Department C'ornputer WANG latent mode- Abstract Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA)is model which exhibits anonunsupervised superiority topic a method which text calcula— of text data in the research of recent similarity years(This paper...
Completed in 2008 in Óbidos, Portugal. Images by Fernando Guerra | FG+SG. With a covered area of 6,408 m2 this complex is located on a prime site for its landscape and environmental value with a view of the dam on the River...
关键字:人脸识别LI)A小样本问题类依赖增强LDA Abstract Face recognition is oneofthemost challengingproblems inthefieldsof pattern recognition andmachinevision.Ithasawide range of promisingapplication,such as human—computerinteraction,securitysurveillance,identityauthentication,and SOon. LinearDiscriminate Analysisal...
The CNN in the experiment adopted a 3-layer model architecture with word vector convolution windows set to 3, 4, and 5 respectively. The LSTM time step was set to 20, the vector dimension was 100, the number of cells was 128, the dropout was 0.5, the batch sample size was 32, the ...