ld -shared是Linux下的一个命令,用于将多个目标文件链接成一个共享库。当ld -shared命令成功执行后,生成的共享库文件可以被其他程序动态加载和使用。 然而,在运行时出现分段错误(Segmentation fault)意味着程序在访问内存时发生了错误,通常是由于访问了未分配的内存或者访问了已释放的内存导致的。 要解决这个问题...
Fix/clean-up LDSHARED#1360 New issue Closed Description AndreMiras By the way, similar issue:env['CFLAGS'] += ' -I{}/sources/python/{}/include/python/'.format(self.ctx.ndk_dir, self.ctx.python_recipe.version[0:3]) Your greenlet recipe pull request does that, mine does, I've seen...
问题是,当我使用共享框架(即"-shared-frameworkCoreMedia”或其他框架)添加LDFLAGS来构建二进制文件时,它可以很好地编译,但当它在设备上执行时,我得到Exec format error: iPhone:/tmp root# ./hello -sh: ./hello: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error 不带-shared标志的构建按预期运行: iPhone:/tm...
针对你遇到的问题 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgflags_shared,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认-lgflags_shared库是否已安装: 在Linux系统中,你可以使用dpkg -l | grep gflags或apt list --installed | grep gflags命令来检查gflags库是否已安装。 如果未安装,查找并安装gflags库: 如果发现gflags库未安装...
PyPy got an issue report when building kiwisolver. I tracked this down to a missing value in sysconfig.py. As far as I can tell, PyPy3.10 is compliant with CPython3.10 in not defining LDCXXSHARED, so why is the linker self.linker_so_cxx ...
操作系统运行程序时,首先将解释器程序即动态链接器ld.so映射到一个合适的地址,然后启动 ld.so。ld.so 先完成自己的初始化工作,再从可执行文件的动态库依赖表中指定的路径名查找所需要的库,将其加载映射到内存。Linux用一个全局的库映射信息结构struct link_map链表来管理和控制所有动态库的加载,动态库的加载过程实...
操作系统运行程序时,首先将解释器程序即动态链接器ld.so映射到一个合适的地址,然后启动 ld.so。ld.so 先完成自己的初始化工作,再从可执行文件的动态库依赖表中指定的路径名查找所需要的库,将其加载映射到内存。Linux用一个全局的库映射信息结构struct link_map链表来管理和控制所有动态库的加载,动态库的加载过程实...
Re: Hp-ux ld linker option for shared library versioning Thanks Dennis for the quick reply. It was more helpful.I'm only concerned about the scenario if a shared library is out of date and a required interface may be missing; when the application tries to use that interfac...
I would think that attempting to load ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 as a shared library would indicate that it had been recompiled for glibc. And I am just a dep auth, but I don't think anything in parcel shouldeverbe compiled on a standard alpine box (certainly not lmdb), we include prebu...