也就是说,ldmatrix读取shared memory的单元是128-bit。 如果ldmatrix符合一般的规则,访存会被分成4个阶段,第1个阶段是第1至第8个线程(T0-T7)根据它们的p访问(但结果会存储在整个warp通过r指定的32个寄存器上!),第2个阶段是第9到第16个线程访问,以此类推。 另一方面,cp.async[2]支持的cp-size是4/8/16(...
结论:ldmatrix的优势是单指令可以实现从共享内存无bank conflict的加载4个局部8x8的矩阵并存储到不同lane...
ldmatrix指令是 PTX 级别的指令,它是个warp级别的数据加载指令,当然数据是从shared memory中加载到32个cuda thread中的寄存器中。 1. ldmatrix指令的使用格式例子: ldmatrix.sync.aligned.m8n8.x1.shared.b16 { %0 }, [ %1 ]; 直接看例子吧,例如这个指令ldmatrix.sync.aligned.m8n8.x1.shared.b16 { %...
cuda的ldmatrix指令的详细解释 - ldmatrix指令是PTX级别的指令,用于从shared memory中加载数据到32个cuda thread的寄存器中。 - ldmatrix指令的使用格式例子:ldmatrix.sync.aligned.m8n8.x1.shared.b16 { %0 }, [ %1 ],表示从shared memory中加载一个8x8的矩阵到一个warp中的32个线程。 - ldmatrix指令的使...
tensorcore中ldmatrix指令的优势是什么? 大佬您好!众所周知,我们可以以warp为单位使用wmma::load指令将显存或shared memory中的矩阵加载到tensorcore中的fragment上;在了解了线程和fragment中的元素的对应关系后,我们可以使用ptx中的wmma.mma.sync.aligned指令以每个线程为单位来加载每个线程所对应的矩阵的元素。那么请问...
tab=ldmatrix. The problem is that the figure from this website has a low quality and I need the figure for publication purposes. All the sample files I have used are at the end of the post so that you can reproduce my code. This is what I have done so far:...
Complex diseases will have multiple functional sites, and it will be invaluable to understand the cross-locus interaction in terms of linkage disequilibrium (LD) between those sites (epistasis) in addition to the haplotype-LD effects. We investigated the statistical properties of a class of matrix-...
Make LocusZoom-like plots with your own LD matrix. This package allows the user to create regional Manhattan plots from p-values, log(p-values), or log(Bayes Factors) with points coloured according to LD and genes annotated beneath. The LD input can be generated from the users own data (...