The meaning of LD50 is the amount of a toxic agent (such as a poison, virus, or radiation) that is sufficient to kill 50 percent of a population of animals usually within a certain time.
In order for in vitro alternatives for acute toxicity testing to emerge, it will be necessary to stage a clearly-defined strategy. The strategy, with its intermediate objectives and proximal decision points, could serve as the basis for validation of the in vitro tests to be used as components...
User-defined missing values are treated as missing. Cases Used Statistics are based on all cases with valid data for all variables in the model. Syntax PROBIT死亡数OF动物总数WITH剂量 /LOG 10 /MODEL PROBIT /PRINT FREQ CI /CRITERIA P(0.15) ITERATE(20) STEPLIMIT(.1). Resources Processor Time...
The ZX2-LD50V is classified into class 1 defined by this Sensor head ×1 Ferrite core ×1 Laser Explanatory label(Japanese,English)×1 each 2.Installing Sensor Heads standard. Manual (this paper) ×1 FDA Certification label ×1 Labeling on Laser Use Fix the Reflective type sensor head with...
Their respective MTD (mg/kg), defined as the highest dose level survived by all mice, were 8.78, 13.17, 29.63 and 29.63. Depending on the animal-to-human extrapolation method used, the calculated LD50 and MTD in humans ranged from 1.2 mg/kg and 0.8 mg/kg (IgG/RTA), to 55.6 mg/kg ...
In Katzung, the therapeutic window is defined as "The range between the minimum toxic dose and the minimum therapeutic dose" In contrast, Birkett (1995) called this atherapeutic range, and describes it using an example rather than offering any exam-worthy definition. ...