perfect host EDIT: Did some more testing on this and I believe all that really happens is that you miss the placement screen. If you go to manage household after the failed rebirth, you will find the Sim in the household manager (not in world). From there you can place it an...
·A tear in the TFCC (which functions to stabilize the distal radioulnar joint, and provide shock absorption between the ulna and the carpus) typically occurs after a fall on an outstretched hand, but can also be degenerative in origin; disruption of the complex is 1 of the most common ...
·A tear in the TFCC (which functions to stabilize the distal radioulnar joint, and provide shock absorption between the ulna and the carpus) typically occurs after a fall on an outstretched hand, but can also be degenerative in origin; disruption of the complex is 1 of the most common ...