Define LCX. LCX synonyms, LCX pronunciation, LCX translation, English dictionary definition of LCX. n. pl. ar·ter·ies 1. Anatomy Any of the muscular elastic tubes that form a branching system and that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissu
1. 回旋支 回旋支(Lcx)开VI瘤样扩张,第一钝缘支发出后管状狭窄90% ,TIMI 3级血流。右冠状动脉(RCA)全程病变、内膜僵硬,TIMI 3 …|基于530个网页 2. 左回旋支 3、左回旋支(LCX)及其分支显示尚可,未见明确软、硬性斑块、狭窄或扩张。4、右冠状动脉(RCA)近段可见广泛管壁低密度 … ...
一个Modifier以最高的狭窄程度命名,使用符号/(斜线)。 例如:CAD-RADS 3/S。 修饰符 N - 非诊断性的 如果不是所有直径大于1.5mm的节段都是可诊断的,那么除了修饰符N,还应列出最高的狭窄程度。 例如,一个中度(50-69%)狭窄和一个或多个非诊断性节段的病人应被评为CAD-RADS 3/N。 然而,没有(0%)、轻...
CoronaryanomalyMyocardialbridgingMSCTIntroduction Coronary artery anomalies are a group of highly variable disorders. Patients with multiple coronary anomalies are very uncommon. Clinical manifestations of coronary artery anomalies can vary from asymptomatic to sudden cardiac death. Case presentation A ...
·刘金平 ,等 .异种心脏移植与无线心室辅助装置 LIUJinping,etal.Cardiacxenotransplantationandwirelessleftventricularassistdevice 类动物(狒狒,猕猴)体内不表达,但在猪的细胞膜 上表达,异种移 植后会诱导体液免疫,触发补体以 及细胞免疫等机制而导致 HAR.这些抗原主要是 α1,3-半 乳糖 (α1,3-Gal),N-乙 酰...
(cardiacresyn- chronizationtherapy,CRT)后仍 有症状的患者,可 在心脏团队 的共同决策下,实施外科/介 入瓣膜手术(Ⅰ,B).对于 合并冠心病或其他心脏疾病的患者:①建议冠状动脉旁路移植术 (coronaryartery bypassgrafting,CABG)或其他外科手术同时,行瓣膜外科手术 (Ⅰ ,B);②对于有症状的患者但经心脏团队专家评估不...
D.心大静脉(great cardiac vein)在后室间沟 E.心小静脉(venules)起于锐缘 点击查看答案 第5题 大多数室壁瘤发生在左室前外侧壁及心尖,少数位于左室后壁,靠心底部,极少数位于下壁或左室侧壁,绝大多数患者的()狭窄, 60%以上为3支病变 A.左前降支狭窄 B.回旋支狭窄 C.钝圆支狭窄 D.后室间支 点...
The patient is a 66-year-old female with a past medical history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, anemia, obesity, and CAD with CABG in 1999 (LIMA to LAD). She presented with intermittent exertional chest pain. Diagnostic cardiac catheterization demonstra
There is limited data on cardiac catheterization laboratory to balloon time (CCL2BT), door to balloon time (D2BT) and the impact of the use of a single dedicated radial guide catheter in transradial PPCI.doi:10.1016/j.hlc.2009.05.065Y. Malaiapan...
Fiol M,Carrillo A.Culprit artery in evolving inferior wall acute myocardial Infarction:RCA vs LCx.Europace. 2010Fiol M,Carrillo A. Culprit artery in evolving inferior wall acute myocardial infarction: RCA vs LCx.[J].Europace: European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of...