Up to 250 measurement points per sweep and ability to change between tabular data and graphical with the push of a button The 7660 LCR Meter performs precision impedance measurements over a frequency range of 10 Hz to 2 MHz. The LCR Meter can measure 14 different impedance parameters with 0.05...
The 7600 is a top of the line precision 2 MHz LCR Meter with 0.05% accuracy The unit has all of the features you could expect from the most modern LCR Meter at 25% the price of competitive units
"Sequence Maker" an add-in for sending and receiving communication commands for measuring instruments Differences of Resistance Measurement Methods Selecting the equivalent circuit mode of the LCR meter Principle and measurement method of the LCR meter Capacitance Meters, up to 1 MHz Compliance...
Keysight E4982A LCR Meter 说明书 E4982A LCR Meter 1 MHz to 300 MHz/500 MHz/1 GHz/3 GHz Find us at www.keysight.com Page 1
The E4982A LCR meter provides the best performance for passive component manufacturing such as SMD inductors and EMI filters where impedance testing at high frequencies (1 MHz to 300 MHz / 500 MHz / 1 GHz / 3 GHz) is required. Zum technische...
Keysight Technologies LCR meter provides the best combination of accuracy, speed, and versatility for a wide range of component measurements.
B&K Precision 894, 895 500 kHz 1 MHz LCR Meter USE
仪器量贩主要致力于“LCR-8101 1MHz precision LCR meter LCR-8101”的生产销售。多年的“LCR-8101 1MHz precision LCR meter LCR-8101”生产与销售的经验,与各行业新老用户建立了稳定的合作关系,我公司经营的产品名称深受广大用户信赖。欢迎来电咨询或前来选购
to 1 MHz. Besides their 15 impedance parameters, the 1900 meters are also capable of measuring dc resis-tance as well as monitoring the volt-age or current in the device under test. The units incorporate a distinc-tive sequence test mode, allowing up to 6 uniquely diff erent tests to ...
IET Labs manufactures a complete line of LCR Meters, impedance meters, capacitance meters available…from the laboratory grade IET/GenRad 1693, the 2 MHz IET/QuadTech 7600+ to the full featured, yet economical DE-5000 Handheld LCR meter.