为燃气汽车储气瓶充装车用液化石油气的专门场所。英文名称:automobile LPG filling station。构成部分 一个完整的LPG加气站应该包括以下各个部分:储罐区(贮罐、残液灌、过梯、防护墙等),压缩机房(压缩机及相关电机),汽槽装卸台(原料来源装卸地方),变配电房(变配电设备),加气岛(加气机等),避雷塔,消防设施,办公及...
The utility model discloses an L-CNG (liquefied-compressed natural gas) station. The L-CNG station comprises an LNG (liquefied natural gas) storage tank, a weighing system on the bottom of the LNG storage tank, an LNG charging gun connected with an automatic control valve on the bottom of...
LNG / LCNG refueling stationsDiscover our new dedicated website click here + Containerized refueling station + Refueling station Media Center News The Cryostar Magazine WebTV Download area Group web sites Service Hotline Training Spare Parts Repair & Maintenance Startup support Service locations ...
供应能力每年1000个单位 L-CNG站: 1.液化天然气储罐,低温高压活塞泵,过程阀门和加气机的监控和管理; 2.卸载,调压,加气,待机等操作代码自动切换和控制; 3.数据收集,查询,存储和报告表格打印; 4.报警和故障诊断。 Email 产品描述: 我公司生产的L-CNG加气站全套设备系统具有泵卸,自增压卸料,LNG转CNG,CNG加气等...
玖玖宾馆(广州同和地铁站店) Jiujiu Hotel (Guangzhou Tonghe Metro Station) 宾馆位于广州白云区,旁边就是白云山风景区,风景优美;近3号线同和地铁站,可直达到白云机场、市中心、广州东站等地;附近美食众多(有广式早茶以及各式小吃),还可以步行去到金铂广场(白云区大商场,新晋游客打卡地)。 君宸养生酒店(广州...
Cryogenic Liquid Oxygen Nitrogen Argon Gas Cylinder Filling Station Skid Pumps: workshop Our factory is a technology enterprise specialized in R&D,manufacture various of air separation plant and cryogenic application equipment. Our company always in...
优选酒店(天津五大道吴家窑地铁站店)Preferential Hotel (Tianjin 5th Avenue Wujiayao Subway Station) 酒店位于天津市河西区气象台路70号,紧邻地铁3号线吴家窑站D出口、天津天塔风景区,八里台写字楼,距离南开大学200米,天津大学300米,天津医科大学400米,距鲁能综合商业区700米,天津五大道景区1.2公里,步行约15分钟,...
Key words:LNG;CNG;gas filling station;economy;safety 1 加气站设备和造价 ①LNG加气站[1~4] LNG加气站是专门对LNG汽车加气的加气站,其工艺流程见文献[1],主要设备包括LNG储罐、自增压器、LNG加气机等。 LNG储罐是双层壁真空绝热容器,内容器由奥氏体不锈钢材料制成,外容器为碳钢,中间绝热层为膨胀珍珠岩并抽...
http://p.qiao.baidu.com/cps/chat?siteId=12971733&userId=24770020 LNG complete equipment CNG complete equipment L-CNG gas station equipment Industrial gas equipment Natural gas surge tank Air heated gasifier series LPG complete equipment Gas flowmeter Cryogenic pump series ...
1 vacuum low-temperature vertical storage tank, DLC skid (including 2 cryogenic DLC pumps, pipe valves, and integrated skid of ~ releasing facilities), EAG heater, LNG feeder, nitrogen purging, instrument air supply system, BOG recovery system, station control system of LNG filling station, conne...