Let S={x_1,x_2,…,x_n}be a set of n distinct positive integers and a≥1 an integer. The matrix having the a-th power(x_i,x_j)~a of the greatest common divisor of x_i and x_j as its i,j-entry is called a-th power greatest common divisor(GCD)matrix defined on S,denote...
This modified LCM-based method is suitable for tissue specific expression analysis of both genes and small RNAs (miRNAs). Isolation of high quality RNA is one of the most important prerequisite for analysis of a small tissue or cell population specific genes expression and their functional ...
Unofficial mirror of GMP development branch. Contribute to gmp-mirror/gmp development by creating an account on GitHub.
Description Given two positive integers a and b, we can easily calculate the greatest common divisor (GCD) and the least common multiple (LCM) of a an
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Company to ISO9001 quality system authentication enterprise as the standard,the enterprise quality assurance system more perfect,Yangzhong Dongxu chemical plastic Company Limited will be the spirit of sincere cooperation,advanced enterprise management,strict the style of work,and you work together,create...
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2020又是一年~现在是2021年正月十七的晚上,劝劝自己还是要写点东西来沉淀一下过去、最近以及未来要发生的事情。 我是一个内心极度需要秩序的人,也是一个内心极度缺乏自信的人,可能就是这样极端矛盾的...
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