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Multiples of 6 are: 6,12,18,24…. The common multiples for 4 and 6 are 12,24,36,48…and so on. The least common multiple in that lot would be 12. Let us now try to find out the LCM of 24 and 15. LCM of 24 and 15 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 = 120 ...
2025,40(1): 91-97.doi:10.13201/j.issn.1001-1420.2025.01.019 FullText HTML10 Case Report Retroperitoneal high-grade serous carcinoma: a case report ZHENG Miao,YUE Dong 2025,40(1): 98-100.doi:10.13201/j.issn.1001-1420.2025.01.020 FullText HTML9...
The products are mainly industrial grade product applications, including industrial instruments and equipment, medical instruments, GPS navigation, energy systems, charging piles, POS systems, vending machines, parking lot charging machines, coffee machines, washing machines and other white goods applications...
ClinicalUtilityofCLIA-GradeAR-V7 TestinginPa- tients With Metastatic Castration-ResistantProstate Cancer[J].JCO Precis Oncol,2017,2017:PO. 17.00127. [30]DenmeadeSR,Wang H,AgarwalN,etal.TRANS- FORMER:A RandomizedPhaseIIStudyComparing Bipolar Androgen Therapy Versus Enzalutamidein Asymptomatic Men With...
(6-30)months,1patientwith Ta high-gradetumorrecurred12 monthsaftersurgery,and1patientwithT1tumorrecurred18 monthsaftersur- gery.BothpatientsunderwentTURBTagain.TheywerestilldiagnosedasNMIBCandreceivedintravesicalther- apypostoperatively.Conclusion:Thepreliminaryexperienceofthisstudysuggeststhatouren-blocresection...
(DepartmentofUrology,XinhuaHospital,ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversitySchoolofMedicine, Shanghai,200092,China) Correspondingauthor:CUIXingang,E-mail:cuixingang@xinhuamed.com.cn Summary Cysticrenalcellcarcinomaisacomplexrenaltumorwithalow-grade malignancypotential,ac- countingforapproximately4% inallkidneytumors.Nephron-...
(ESWL),andtheothertworeceived conservativetreatment.TheSFR was100% afteronemonth.Theincidenceofcomplicationwas12.2% (6/49) withoutseriouscomplications(≤ Claviengrade Ⅱ).Thepostoperativehospitalstaywas(2.6±1.5)days.The tubelessratewas73.5% (36/49).Conclusion:SMPissafeandeffectiveinthetreatmentofrenal...