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(C) qRT-PCR using the TaqMan® Probe and Primer Set (Roche Molecular Systems) was used to validate the array data for nine genes with differential expression between hippocampus and cerebellum. qRT-PCR from Small LCM Samples RNA was isolated f...
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Scatter plot showing correlation between results from the two brain samples using the GCOS software (Affymetrix). (C) qRT-PCR using the TaqMan Probe and Primer Set (Roche Molecular Systems) was used to validate the array data for nine genes with ...
1. Realistic, Verifiable, and Objective Reporting. Inventories and some securities holdings contribute to Balance Sheet values for Current Assets. Current assets figures, in turn, play a central role in several important metrics for evaluating company performance and financial position. Asset values, th...
临床麻醉学杂志2018年8月第34卷第8期 JClinAnesthesiol,August2018,Vol.34,No.8 A糖R尿H病GE患F者11血基糖因和R血14浆67胰H岛多素态水性平对的汉影族响2型 ·739· ·临床研究· 陈小慧 胡钟元 阎文军 【摘要】 目的 探讨 Rho蛋白鸟苷酸交换因子11(humanRhoguaninenucleotideexchange factor11,ARHGEF...
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Complex I has a mononuclear structure, and the Sm3+ ion is nine-coordinated by an Edta ligand and three water molecules, yielding a pseudo-monocapped square antiprismatic conformation, and the complex crystallizes in the orthorhombic crystal system with space group Fdd2. The crystal data are as...
In 2002, Zhang came up with an idea which, to many, seemed crazy: to found a free high school for girls. That was a tough task. She had to raise money and hire teachers. Six years later, she founded the Huaping All-Girls High School. Given the rugged environment, howe...