The HCF of two or more numbers is the greatest number that divides each of them exactly. The LCM of two or more numbers is the smallest of the common multiples of those numbers. Learn more about how to find the HCF and LCM in this article.
To get the greatest volume of each cask, we have to find the largest number which exactly divides 403, 434 and 465. That is the highest common factor (HCF) of (403, 434, 465). HCF (403, 434, 465) = 31 liters Each cask must be of the volume 31 liters. Required number casks :...
Hcf of an algebraic expressions, math taks worksheets for 7th grade math in texas free online teaching multi step inequality in algebra 1 expressions equations and inequalities practice test seventh grade pictures of mathmatical graphing gmat permutation and computation exponent activity sheet fif...
HCF (Highest Common factor) or GCD(Greatest Common Divisor): HCF of two or more than numbers is the greatest number (divisor) that divides all the given number exactly. So HCF is also called the greatest common divisor(GCD). Suppose If numbers n1 and n2 are exactly divisible by the same...