塞巴斯蒂安·梅内,2012/12/26 关于系列 本文是属于Stairway系列:Stairway to SQL Server Replication S...
假设库存 num=5 情况1(减库存成功)update 库存表 set num=num-5 where num-5 >= 0 and id=...
CMsqlExecContext::FExecute+a43 CSQLSource::Execute+86c process_request+a57 process_commands+4a3 SOS_Task::Param::Execute+21e SOS_Scheduler::RunTask+ab SOS_Task::PostWait+9e EventInternal<SuspendQueueSLock>::Wait+1fb LockOwner::Sleep+485 ...
Removed in SQL Server version: N/A Extended Events wait_type value: The map_key value in sys.dm_xe_map_values is 18 in all versions through 2014 RTM. After 2014 RTM, you must check the DMV to get the latest value as some map_key values have changed in later builds. Other informat...
Ensure that row, page and table locks are being escalated correctly. If the table is partitioned consider enabling partition escalation Additional research Reducing SQL Server Locks Understanding Isolation Levels Identify the Cause of SQL Server Blocking ...
This wait occurs when a request is waiting to acquire an Exclusive lock with the low priority options added in SQL Server 2014. This wait typically occurs when read and modify requests are blocked by another write transaction (implicit of explicit) that has been kept open for an extended perio...
Added in SQL Server version: 2014 Removed in SQL Server version: N/A Extended Events wait_type value: Themap_keyvalue insys.dm_xe_map_valuesis 950 in 2014 RTM. After 2014 RTM, you must check the DMV to get the latest value as somemap_keyvalues have changed in later builds. ...
Added in SQL Server version: 2014 Removed in SQL Server version: N/A Extended Events wait_type value: Themap_keyvalue insys.dm_xe_map_valuesis 971 in 2014 RTM. After 2014 RTM, you must check the DMV to get the latest value as somemap_keyvalues have changed in later builds. ...
Description This wait occurs when a request is waiting to acquire an Exclusive lock with the low priority options added in SQL Server 2014. This wait typically occurs when read and modify requests are blocked by another write transaction (implicit of explicit) that has been kept open for an ex...
This wait occurs when a request is waiting to acquire a Key Range Insert Exclusive lock with the low priority options added in SQL Server 2014. This mechanism acquires locks on a subset of rows in an index but only when the transaction isolation SERIALIZABLE is used. An exclusive lock typical...